The SolidProfessor platform team has revamped our Admin Tools to better assist team managers and admins in monitoring user progress throughout the platform. Let's walk through the new-and-improved SolidProfessor Admin Tools!
Please see the video below for a quick demonstration of the Admin Tools updates.
All Members
Test Results
In the updated All Members page, view and test results statistics have been separated into two columns.
Clicking the "View" link in the Test Results column will allow an admin to access a comprehensive list of results for all tests that have been taken by a user.
In the Test Results module, admins have the ability to drill into a specific test to see in detail all questions that were answered correctly or incorrectly by the user. This information is accessed by clicking the green Test ID link.
Admins will see a "Download All Test Results" icon in the top right corner of the module. Clicking this icon will download a PDF file with the summary of all tests taken by the user.
Within the Test Results Details module (accessed by clicking the green Test ID link shown above), you will see that admins also have the ability to download a PDF with a detailed summary of all questions answered by the user in the associated test.
User Actions
Previously, users could be deactivated, reactivated, or removed from an account either by using the Actions drop-down menu in the top right, or by clicking an actions icon in each user row. This has been consolidated to the Actions drop-down menu. The same actions are all available, just in one location.
In the previous Admin Tools, views data was combined with test results in one single module. For large companies with many users, populating large quantities of data at once could result in slow load times and user frustration. With the Admin Tools updates, data has been broken apart to display this information quickly and intuitively.
Admins can reference the new "Total Views" column in All Members to get an idea of what content their team members are accessing.
Selecting the green number in a user row will display a "View Statistics" module with a comprehensive list of all courses that have been viewed by that user.
Mirroring the information shown in the previous Admin Tools, this module allows an admin to see to all course versions viewed, the date they were last accessed, and the total number of views in a course. A new feature available to Admins is the ability to download these statistics - either as a Microsoft Excel file or a .csv file.
Selecting "Download All View Statistics" will download views at the course level, while selecting the icon to the right of the row will download lesson views within a specific course.
Learner History
Another addition to the Admin Tools is a "Learner History" shown in the user's details. The Learner History will look familiar in comparison to the "Learner Summary" in the previous version of the Admin Tools - with a few fun new features!
Clicking "View Learner History" will show a module with all of a user's test results, view statistics, and technical certificates combined - with an option to download the Learner History as a PDF.
When downloading, admins have new flexibility in customizing their PDF, with the ability to choose whether or not to include test results, view statistics, technical certificates earned, and all groups the user is enrolled in.
Allowing admins insight into the technical certificates earned by their team members is a long-awaited feature that we are so excited to provide!
Group Views
In the updated Admin Tools, views and test results data have been separated.
Clicking the percentage or numbers shown in the "Progress" column will display views within the group for each assigned course and lesson.
Like the comprehensive Library and group data shown in the All Members tab, this information can also be downloaded by group. Selecting "Download All View Statistics" will show views at the course level, while selecting the download icon to the right of the course name will show views at the lesson level.
Group Tests Results
The Test Results column also gives admins a new look at their users' test scores within a group.
The Test Results column gives quick insight into a user's most recent test score in comparison to all learners' average test scores in the group.
Clicking the value shown in the column will open a module detailing the user's test scores in the group, with an option to download test results or access individual test details by clicking the green test ID link.
Group - Learner History
The Learner History can also be viewed and downloaded from the user details page in a group.
What has not changed?
The bulk of every-day use functions in the Admin Tools will look the same.
Adding members to groups, creating new members, editing user information, and sending password reset links will remain the same - user friendly and simple!
The changes brought about by our Product team are based on user feedback and aim to improve the tools available to our admins so that they can best track their learners progress and see what gaps can be filled with SolidProfessor content.
As always - please do not hesitate to reach out to SolidProfessor support with any questions or concerns and we are more than happy to assist.
Happy Learning!