This article assumes you have already created a student membership and enrolled in a class. If you haven't done those things yet, please start by going through the steps in the two articles below:
1. After logging in, click the "Classes" tab.
2. Click "View assignments" for the class you previously enrolled in.
3. Click "View lessons" for your first assignment.
4. If baseline tests have been enabled for your class, first click the "Begin Baseline" button to complete the assessment.
You will not be able to progress to the assignment lessons without first completing the baseline test.
5. Click the first lesson to begin learning.
After watching a video lesson or opening/downloading an exercise lesson, an eyeball icon will appear next to it indicating that it has been viewed:
6. Once all of the lessons in an assignment have been viewed, the review test at the bottom will unlock. Click it to complete the assessment.
It is up to your instructor's discression to determine how many review test attempts you will be allowed. Please reach out to them with questions on this.