If you've mistakenly enrolled in the wrong class you can leave the class by following the steps below.
1. After logging in to your student account, click to enter the "Classes" tab.

2. Click the three dots in the corner of the tile for the class you'd like to leave. Then click "Leave class".

To join a different class, follow the instructions in this article.
If you are no longer teaching a class but would like to leave the class and assignments still available (for another teacher to take over, for example) you may choose to leave the class. To do so:
1. After logging in to an instructor account, click to enter the "Classes" tab.

You must be associated with at least 1 class as an instructor. For that reason, if you have just one class left, the "leave class" button will be disabled. After adding a new class, you will be able to leave the old class. To leave your last class and completely remove yourself from your account, please reach out to support.
If you accidentally leave a class, you will not be able to add yourself back to it on your own. If this happens, please reach out to support.