This article will give you guidance on how to set up assignments in Schoology, when the instructor is linked to one school or multiple schools.
1. To begin, log in to your SolidProfessor Instructor account and create a new class.

2. In a separate browser, log in to your Schoology account and select "Courses".

3. Now that you're logged into Schoology, you will select 'My Courses'.

4. Then "Create Course".

5. Next you will input all required information in the fields listed under the “Create Course” dialog box. Then select “Create”.
Please make sure to select the correct school here, as there will be multiple schools in the dropdown for an instructor to choose from, if the instructor is part of many schools.
1. To Set up your assignments, start by logging into Schoology as an Instructor and choosing the course you'd like to add assignments to.
2. From the Course page, select 'Add Materials'.

3. Next you will choose the Solid Professor app that is configured for your school. In our example, it would be SolidProfessor(RC BHS)
If you are unsure on which app to select, please check with your LMS coordinator or CTE director.

4. Once you have selected the 'SolidProfessor' app, you will be redirected to your SolidProfessor class page in the Schoology Platform. Your classes appear here in the same way as SolidProfessor. Here is a side by side view of the two.
In this process of deeplinking an assignment, the instructor will be asked to login to the SP account once. When this initial login is completed, the instructor will be directed to their class list everytime after that.

5. Next select the Class and Assignment for their students, and click Integrate to LMS.
Instructor can choose individual or multiple assignments to integrate to LMS.

6. The last step to complete the deep linking process, is to manually edit the assignment, and check 'Enable Grading'.
6b. Next, select edit from the drop down gear.

6c. Click on “Enable Grading”

7. As an Instructor click on the assignment within the course
This will create the a “Launch” and you will be taken directly to the assignment in a distraction free UX.

7c. Distraction free UX

If you are an instructor linked to multiple schools, you will follow the same steps from above when setting up classes and assignments, but first they will need to utilize the ‘Account switcher’ functionality to switch to the second school to set up classes in SolidProfessor.
1. Login into SolidProfessor and click on the drop down next to your profile.

2. Click on ‘Switch Account View’.

- Current school the user is viewing
- Switch to the second school, the instructor wants to set up classes for.
3. Click Save, and you will be directed to your second school’s dashboard page.
Note the banner that appears at the top letting you know that you have switched accounts.

4. Set up your classes in SolidProfessor for this school's students.

5. To finish the assignment set up process, follow instructions from Schoology Course Set Up and Schoology Assignment Set up.
When creating a “Course” in Schoology make sure to select the correct school mentioned in Step 5 of Schoology Course Set Up.
1. Can an Instructor set up an assignment at School A and have students from School B access it?
a. No, this is not possible. For students to access those assignments at School B, the instructor will have to set up those same assignments in School B in both SolidProfessor and Schoology.
2. Will instructors need to set up the connection per course?
a. No. As long as the org app has “All Courses” checked, that tool provider will appear for the instructor to select when creating an assignment.
3. Will the instructor have to set up the due date in both Schoology and SP or should they only set it up once in one platform?
a. Yes, these have to be set up in each platform.
4. How would CS help the Instructors identify who the students are, if all the students have an anonymous student ID?
a. SP is not allowed to store this information ( ST name, etc) in our database, therefore Schoology creates a unique identifier for that student and send it to us with the LTI integration. We take the ID, and append the SP email domain towards the end. The Instructor will then have to take that ID and reach out to Schoology to figure which ID = their Student.
5. Do we have the ability to only display Assignment in Schoology that are available when we set the available date, or will all assignments show up as soon as assignment deep-linking takes place ?
a. The assignment won’t be visible for deep-linking till its available in SP.