Be sure to open SolidProfessor and Blackboard in two different browsers.
For example: if you have SolidProfessor open in Chrome, you'll open Blackboard in Edge. Opening the apps in the same browser may cause issues with the setup process.
Choose One:
Steps #6-19 below must be completed by your Blackboard account's administrator. Once these steps are completed, instructors can pick up on integrating their course content starting at step #20.
1. Check to make sure that LMS/LTI Integration has been activated for your account.
For instructions on how to check, see this article.
2. In a different browser, log in to your SolidProfessor account and create a new class.
Classes created prior to 5/6/2019 or the date that LTI was activated for your account (whichever date is later) will not display LTI integration settings.

3. Next, click the user options button in the upper right. Then click "Profile".

4. If checked, click to uncheck the box next to "My LMS does not support deep linking". If already unchecked, move on to the next step.

5. Click the copy icons to the right of your "URL, "Key", and "Secret" and paste them in a message to your Blackboard Admin along with the link to this article.

6. Have your Blackboard account administrator log in to Blackboard and click "System Admin"..

7. Under the integrations section, click on "LTI Tool Providers".

8. Click on "Manage Global Properties"

9. Ensure that "Enabled to Courses" is set to "Yes" and "Allow configured tool providers to post grades" is set to "Yes". Then click "Submit"

10. Click on "Register Provider Domain".

11. In the "Provider Domain" field, enter "".

12. Scroll down and next to "Default Configuration" label, select the "Set globally" radio button. Then paste the "Key" and "Secret" provided by the instructor into the corresponding fields.

13. Scroll down and next to "Send User Data" label, select the "Send user data only over SSL" radio button. Then click "Submit".

14. Hover over "" to bring up a down arrow next to it. Click it and then click "Manage Placements".

15. Click "Create Placement".

16. In the "Label" field, enter "SolidProfessor". In the "Handle" field, enter "solidprofessor". Leave "Availability" set to "Yes".

17. Leave the "Type" radio button on "Deep Linking content tool".

18. Paste the "URL" provided by the instructor into the "Tool Provider URL" field. Then click "Submit".

19. Click to log out of the administrator account and then have the instructor log back in with their account.

20. Click "Courses"

21. Click on the course name.

22. Click "Content".

23. Hover over "Build Content" and then click "SolidProfessor".

24. Click "View Assignments" for your SolidProfessor class.

25. Leave the radio button selected for the first assignment and click to "Integrate to LMS".

26. Note that the SolidProfessor assignment has been added to the Blackboard course.

27. Repeat steps 27-29 (selecting the next assignment each time) until you have added all of the assignments in your class.

Steps #6-19 below must be completed by your Blackboard account's administrator. Once these steps are completed, instructors can pick up on integrating their course content starting at step #20.
1. Check to make sure that LMS/LTI Integration has been activated for your account.
For instructions on how to check, see this article.
2. In a different browser, log in to your SolidProfessor account and create a new class.
Classes created prior to 5/6/2019 or the date that LTI was activated for your account (whichever date is later) will not display LTI integration settings.

3. Next, click the user options button in the upper right. Then click "Profile".

4. If checked, click to uncheck the box next to "My LMS does not support deep linking". If already unchecked, move on to the next step.

5. Click the copy icons to the right of your "URL, "Key", and "Secret" and paste them in a message to your Blackboard Admin along with the link to this article.

6. Have your Blackboard account administrator log in to Blackboard and click "System Admin".

7. Under the integrations section, click on "LTI Tool Providers".

8. Click on "Manage Global Properties"

9. Ensure that "Enabled to Courses" is set to "Yes" and "Allow configured tool providers to post grades" is set to "Yes". Then click "Submit"

10. Click on "Register Provider Domain".

11. In the "Provider Domain" field, enter "".

12. Scroll down and next to "Default Configuration" label, select the "Set separately for each link" radio button.

13. Scroll down and next to "Send User Data" label, select the "Send user data only over SSL" radio button. Then click "Submit".

14. Hover over "" to bring up a down arrow next to it. Click it and then click "Manage Placements".

15. Click "Create Placement".

16. In the "Label" field, enter "SolidProfessor - <instructor last name>". In the "Handle" field, enter "solidprofessor_<instructor last name>". Leave "Availability" set to "Yes".

17. Leave the "Type" radio button on "Deep Linking content tool".

18. In the "Tool Provider Information" section, enter the URL, Key, and Secret provided by the instructor. Then click "Submit".
The key and secret are unique to each instructor and they must gather the information from their SolidProfessor account and provide it to the admin for setup purposes (see steps 3-5 above).

19. Click to log out of the administrator account and then have the instructor log back in with their account.

20. Click "Courses"

21. Click on the course name.

22. Click "Content".

23. Hover over "Build Content" and then click "SolidProfessor - <instructor last name>".

24. Click "View Assignments" for your SolidProfessor class.

25. Leave the radio button selected for the first assignment and click to "Integrate to LMS".

26. Note that the SolidProfessor assignment has been added to the Blackboard course.

27. Repeat steps 27-29 (selecting the next assignment each time) until you have added all of the assignments in your class.