Be sure to open SolidProfessor and Canvas in two different browsers.
For example: if you have SolidProfessor open in Chrome, you'll open Canvas in Edge. Opening the apps in the same browser may cause issues with the setup process.
1.1. Log into SolidProfessor, click on 'Classes' and create your Class.
For instructions on how to create a Class, see this article.
Classes created prior to 5/6/2019 or the date that LTI was activated for your account (whichever date is later) will not display LTI integration settings.

1.2. Click the user options button in the upper right. Then click "Profile".

1.3. Ensure Deep Linking is enabled for your account and choose the Configuration Type "URL/XML."
You'll copy this information into Canvas in section 3.
If you do not see this section and you are interested in integrating SolidProfessor with an LTI compliant LMS, please contact us.

1.4. In a different browser, log in to your Canvas account and click "Start a New Course".
Be sure you open SolidProfessor and Canvas in two different browsers.
For example: if you have SolidProfessor open in Chrome, you'll open Canvas in Edge. Opening the apps in the same browser may cause issues with the setup process later.

1.5. Enter a "Course Name", enter a "Short Name", leave "Content License" on "Private (Copyrighted)", and choose if you want to make the course publicly visible. Then click to "Create course".
"Short Name" will only appear if your "Course Name" exceeds 21 characters.

2.1. Click "Settings" in the lower left navigation of your new Course.

2.2. Click the "Apps" tab at the top.

2.3. Click on the "View App Configurations" button.

2.4. Click on "+App".

3.1. Change the "Configuration Type" to "Paste XML" and enter "SolidProfessor" as the "Name".

If there is more than one instructor at the school using SolidProfessor, you should also add the last name of the instructor after "SolidProfessor" in the name field (eg. "SolidProfessor - Washington").
3.2. In SolidProfessor, ensure your "Configuration Type" is "URL/XML". Then, click the copy icon to the right of your "Key",

Every instructor using SolidProfessor will have different a different "key" associated with their account and classes. For this reason, a single key cannot be used to integrate an entire school.
3.3. Return to your Canvas browser window and paste your "Key" into the "Consumer Key" field.

3.4. Return to your SolidProfessor browser window and click the copy icon to the right of your "Secret".

3.6. Return to your SolidProfessor browser window. Confirm your "Configuration Type" is set to "URL/XML" and then click the copy icon to the right of your "URL/XML" link.

3.7. In a new browser window, paste the URL into the address bar and hit enter on your keyboard. Then, select all of the code on the page and copy it.

3.8. Return to your Canvas browser window and paste the XML code into the "XML Configuration" window. Then click "Submit".

4.1. Note that "SolidProfessor" now appears in your "External Apps" list. Next, click on "Assignments".

4.2. Click "+".

4.3. Change the "Type" to "External Tool", enter the name of the first assignment from your SolidProfessor class in the "Name" field, then click "Save".

4.4. Click the 3 dots on the right of the assignment name, then click "Edit".

4.5. Click "More Options".

4.6. In the "Points" field, enter the number of points you'd like the assignment to be worth.
You can make this any number you'd like and the proper calculations will be made automatically to convert the SolidProfessor review test score to this number of points. Note that if you leave this number at "0", the resulting score will be "0" regardless of what your student scored on their review test (you're telling Canvas to convert the review test score to "0").
You can change the "Display Grade as" to "Percentage", if desired, and the calculation will accomodate this, as well.
If you chose to allow for multiple review test attempts when setting up your class in SolidProfessor, each subsequent test will replace the previous score in the "Grades" section. You can find the history of all grades by looking at the "View Gradebook History".

4.7. In the "Submission Type" section, ensure the first field reads "External Tool" and then click "Find".

4.8. Click on "SolidProfessor".

4.9. Click "View Assignments" for your desired SolidProfessor class.

4.10. Leave the radio button selected for the first assignment and click to "Integrate to LMS".

4.11. Click "Select".

4.12. Ensure that "Load This Tool In A New Tab" is checked.

4.13. Adjust the "Assign" settings, as desired (add due dates/availability dates/etc.). Then click "Save".

4.14. Click to return to the main "Assignments" page. Then click the "+" to add your next assignment.

4.15. Change "Type" to "External Tool" and enter the "Name" of the next SolidProfessor assignment. This time, click "More Options".

4.16. Repeat steps 4.2-4.15. Then continue to add assignments in the same manner until you've added all of them from your class.

4.17. Click the unpublished icon to the right of each assignment name to publish them (will turn to a green check).