Be sure to open SolidProfessor and Schoology in two different browsers.
For example: if you have SolidProfessor open in Chrome, you'll open Schoology in Edge. Opening the apps in the same browser may cause issues with the setup process.
1.1. Log into your SolidProfessor account and click the user options button in the upper right. Then click "Profile".

1.2. Ensure that the box next to "My LMS does not support deep linking" is checked. Then click "Classes".
If you do not see this section and you are interested in integrating SolidProfessor with an LTI compliant LMS, please contact us.

1.3. Create your Class.
For instructions on how to create a Class, see this article.
Classes created prior to 5/6/2019 or the date that LTI was activated for your account (whichever date is later) will not display LTI integration settings.

1.4. In a different browser, log in to your Schoology account and click "Courses".
Be sure you open SolidProfessor and Schoology in two different browsers.
For example: if you have SolidProfessor open in Chrome, you'll open Schoology in Edge. Opening the apps in the same browser may cause issues with the setup process later.

1.5. Click "My Courses".

1.6. Click "Create Course".
If your school uses Schoology's Enterprise product, skip to Section 2.

1.7. Enter a "Course Name", enter a "Section Name", select a "Subject Area", and select a "Level". Then click to "Create".

2.1. Click "Course Options" and then "External Tool Providers".

2.2. Click "Add External Tool Provider".

2.3. Enter "SolidProfessor" as the "Tool Name".

2.4. In your SolidProfessor browser, click "View Assignments".

2.6. Click the copy icon to the right of your "Key".

2.7. Return to your Schoology browser window and paste your "Key" into the "Consumer Key" field.

2.8. Return to your SolidProfessor browser window and click the copy icon to the right of your "Secret".

2.10. Note that "SolidProfessor" now appears in your "External Tools" list. Next, click on your course name to return to your Course.

3.1. Click to "Add Materials" and then click "Add File/Link/External Tool".

3.2. Click "External Tool".

3.3. Select "SolidProfessor" as the "Tool Provider".

3.4. Return to your SolidProfessor browser window and and click the copy icon to the right of your "URL". Also, note the name of your first assignment.
Each assignment in SolidProfessor has a different URL associated with it. Be sure that you're pasting in the correct URL for each assignment as you add your materials to your Schoology course.

3.5. Return to your Schoology browser window and paste your "URL" into the "URL" field, enter the first assignment's name in the "Title" field, check the box next to "Enable Grading" and set up grading parameters, and then click "Submit".
For grades to appear in the Gradebook tab's table, you must also select a "Category" and "Period".

3.6. Return to your SolidProfessor browser window and click "Done".

3.8. Click the copy icon to the right of your "URL".

3.9. Return to your Schoology browser window, click to "Add Materials", and then click "Add File/Link/External Tool".

3.10. Fill in the form again (as you did in step 3.5), this time including the next assignment's title and pasting in the next assignment's URL. Click "Submit".
For grades to appear in the Gradebook tab's table, you must also select a "Category" and "Period".

3.11. Continue to "Add Materials" in the same way until you have included all of the assignments from your SolidProfessor class.
Each assignment in SolidProfessor has a different URL associated with it. Be sure that you're pasting in the correct URL for each assignment as you add your materials to your Schoology course.